Primary School Uniform
Our uniform standards take into account the youngest students' desire to belong to the school culture while ensuring ease of self-care and understanding that buttons and zippers take time to learn
Primary School students do not wear the Formal Dress, so ties and jackets are not part of this uniform set
Primary School students’ uniform is based on the Regular Dress with Polo Shirt
Preschool students do not wear the uniform but do wear the polo shirt from Regular Dress
Preschool parents may purchase a full Regular Dress if they wish. Size may be limited
JK/SK students wear Regular Dress with Polo Shirt most days.
JK/SK students will be asked to wear the Athletic Uniform on days when their teachers want them to be more physical or messy, or where changing at school is not yet practical
The Uniform set chosen for Primary School is developmentally friendly, allowing for ease of wear, including fewer buttons and no ties.
Primary School teachers will inform parents about the days when the Athletic Uniform is required. Teachers will consult with the administration around appropriate days and events where their students need to be in the Athletic Uniform.