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Warm Weather Uniform Option

Students also have the flexibility to choose between shorts/skirts or pants/skirts options for both styles of the Regular Dress uniform.

The shorts are only designed to replace boys' long pants, girls may continue wearing the skirt, as it is comfortable in warm weather. Boys are able to wear shorts with the Casual Academic set from:

  • Tuesday after Mother’s Day until the last day of school

  • The Second day of school until the Thursday before Thanksgiving.

During this period, students can opt for either shorts/skirts or pants to suit their comfort and preference, ensuring they remain appropriately dressed for the varying temperatures while maintaining a consistent and professional appearance.  In very hot weather, the school may choose particular days to forgo the Formal Dress.

We also have students wear a specific physical education uniform when participating in team sports or physical activities.

Sports teams will have a school team uniform that is provided to students and can be borrowed or purchased depending on the team requirements.

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