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Uniform Requirements

A significant amount of effort has been dedicated to selecting items that align with our school's image and the vision we uphold for our parents, students, and the broader community. As an innovative yet traditional private school, we recognize that successful institutions take pride in their identity, values, and educational environment. Our uniform is a clear statement to everyone about who we are, what we stand for, and how we wish to be recognized as a unified community.

InnovOak has two different distinct styles of uniforms.  Each one serves a purpose for student wear and use.

Academic Formal

The Formal Academic Set Uniform is geared to honor the traditional learning and academics of private school symbolized with the Oak Tree. Steeped in traditions of what is expected of an academic private school, the uniform signifies the attention to detail that goes into academic success.

Academic Casual

The Casual Academic Set Uniform is geared towards looking forward. As a school looking towards graduation and our connections to the tech startups that innovate for tomorrow, we offer a casual more tech vibe option that sheds some of our formality and is geared towards "getting the job done.  The Innov aspect of InnovOak focuses on the skills, jobs and ideas of tomorrow, which drives student creativity, new ideas and a future that has not been invented yet.

We have established a formal uniform set and two casual uniform sets to give students more choice.  Students from Grade 1-12 must wear the Formal Academic set.  Essentially there are two different styles - Formal and Casual.  Within the Casual choice there are two unique looks that allow parents and students to pick the option and look that best suits your student and their personality. 

A student may choose to just wear the Formal Academic set for every day, and that is fully encouraged by the school.  All students must adhere to the uniform requirements as each style has been chosen to compliment the values and academic focus of InnovOak while honoring our innovative side

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