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Returning Students

This page outlines payment schedule for returning students.

Annual Plan (Domestic)

For fee information, please see Tuition for Domestic Students and Supplementary Fee.

For information on payment plan (including detailed due dates), please see Payment Schedule.

February 25

June 30







Grade 1-3



Grade 4-6



Grade 7-8



Grade 9-10



Grade 11-12



Quarterly Plan (Domestic)

For fee information, please see Tuition for Domestic Students and Supplementary Fee.

For information on payment plan (including detailed due dates), please see Payment Schedule.

February 25

4 Equal Payments EA.







Grade 1-3



Grade 4-6



Grade 7-8



Grade 9-10



Grade 11-12



Monthly Plan (Domestic)

For fee information, please see Tuition for Domestic Students and Supplementary Fee.

For information on payment plan (including detailed due dates), please see Payment Schedule.

February 25

10 Equal Payments EA.







Grade 1-3



Grade 4-6



Grade 7-8



Grade 9-10



Grade 11-12



Annual Upfront (International)

For fee information, please see Tuition for International Students and Supplementary Fee.

For information on payment plan (including detailed due dates), please see Payment Schedule.

February 25

June 301







Grade 1-3



Grade 4-6



Grade 7-8



Grade 9-10



Grade 11-12



1For students who require Letter of Acceptance for Study Permit application or extension, the account balance has to be paid in full prior to issuance of the letter.

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